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GNOME Toolkit

On this page, you'll find additional tools for GNOME users.

Tools for ArcView and Arcmap Users

Warning symbol Note:  As we transition from the desktop version of GNOME to the GNOME suite of tools, we will no longer be outputting the MOSS files for Arc in WebGNOME. As a result, these tools will be deprecated and we will be unable to support their use going forward.

Tools for All Users

  • Setting Up GNOME for Your Region: Here are some instructions and aids to help you make your own Location File or Diagnostic Mode Save File for GNOME.
  • GOODS: GOODS is an online tool that helps GNOME users access base maps and publicly available ocean currents and winds from various models and data sources.
  • GNOME Listserver: GNOME Listserver was a forum for discussions and announcements among GNOME users; however, it was retired in 2020. To learn more about GNOME, you can refer to the help topics in WebGNOME
  • GNOME References: Here are references for some of GNOME's methodologies and uses.
  • GNOME Technical Documentation: Here is technical documentation for GNOME, and a document that describes the latest input/output data formats and provides the GNOME format documentation.

Questions: Contact us with your questions, comments, or suggestions for GNOME.

Last updated Tuesday, March 29, 2022 6:54pm PDT