Deepwater Horizon Trajectory Maps: By Type
On this page, you can download the trajectory maps produced by NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) during the response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010. These maps are provided in zipped folders of PDF files, grouped by the type of map produced. [Need help with zipped files?]
The maps available here are more fully described on the Trajectory Map Background page. Also available on that page are publications we created to help you understand and interpret the oil trajectory maps.
Cumulative Trajectory Maps
This folder contains PDF maps showing the surface location of spilled oil for several consecutive days, as well as a forecast for the following day.
- Cumulative Trajectory Maps [Zip, 10 maps, 2.6 MB]
Nearshore Surface Oil Forecasts
The Nearshore Surface Oil Forecasts were forecast estimates for the nearshore location of oil for the next 24, 48, or 72 hours. During certain periods of the response, these maps were produced twice a day. The file name for each map contains the type of map; the outlook (24, 48, or 72 hours); and the date and time it was created, using the 24-hour time system*. For example, the map named N-Shore24_2010-05-08_2100.pdf shows the nearshore surface oil forecast for 24 hours, created on May 8, 2010 at 2100.
- Nearshore 24-hour Forecasts [Zip, 115 maps, 295 MB]
- Nearshore 48-hour Forecasts [Zip, 111 maps, 280 MB]
- Nearshore 72-hour Forecasts [Zip, 123 maps, 306 MB]
Offshore Surface Oil Forecasts
The Offshore Surface Oil Forecasts were forecast estimates for the offshore location of oil for the next 24, 48, or 72 hours. The file name for each map contains the type of map; the outlook (24, 48, or 72 hours); and the date and time it was created, using the 24-hour time system*. For example, the map named O-Shore48_2010-05-19_1800.pdf shows the offshore surface oil forecast for 48 hours, created on May 19, 2010 at 1800.
- Offshore 24-hour Forecasts [Zip, 30 maps, 105 MB]
- Offshore 48-hour Forecasts [Zip, 31 maps, 116 MB]
- Offshore 72-hour Forecasts [Zip, 30 maps, 133 MB]
Loop Current Location Relative to Oil Slick
This folder contains PDF maps that provided daily updates on the location of the Loop Current and its major eddies, and the location of floating oil relative to the Loop Current system.
- Loop Current Location Relative to Oil Slick [Zip, 38 maps, 12.7 MB]
* In the 24-hour time system, time of day is indicated by four digits, the first two indicating the hour (00 to 23) and the last two indicating the number of minutes past that hour (00 to 59). Each day begins at midnight, 0000, and the last minute of each day is 2359. Under this system, 6:00 am is 0600, and 2:30 pm is 1430.