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GNOME References

Here are references for some of GNOME's methodologies and uses.

Technical documentation:

Zelenke, B., C. O'Connor, C. Barker, C.J. Beegle-Krause, and L. Eclipse (Eds.). 2012. General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment (GNOME) Technical Documentation. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS OR&R 40. Seattle, WA: Emergency Response Division, NOAA. 105 pp. [PDF version, 2 MB; Word version, 2.5 MB]

Zelenke, B., C. O'Connor, C. Barker, and C.J. Beegle-Krause (Eds.). 2012. General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment (GNOME) Technical Documentation: Data Formats. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS OR&R 41. Seattle, WA: Emergency Response Division, NOAA. 49 pp.

General reference:

Beegle-Krause, C.J. General NOAA Oil Modeling Environment (GNOME): A New Spill Trajectory Model. IOSC 2001 Proceedings, Tampa, FL, March 26-29, 2001. St. Louis, MO: Mira Digital Publishing, Inc. Vol. 2: pp. 865-871.

Beegle-Krause, C.J. 1999. GNOME: NOAA's Next-Generation Spill Trajectory Model. Oceans '99 MTS/IEEE Proceedings. Escondido, CA: MTS/IEEE Conference Committee. Vol. 3: pp. 1262-1266.  

GNOME in use:

Başar, E., E. Köse, and A. Güneroglu. 2006. Finding risky areas for oil spillage after tanker accidents at Istanbul strait. Int. J. Environment and Pollution. 27(4):388–400.

Engie, K. and T. Klinger. 2007. Modeling Passive Dispersal through a Large Estuarine System to Evaluate Marine Reserve Network Connections. Estuaries and Coasts. 30(2):201–213.

Lagrangian element file format:

Galt, J.A., D.L. Payton, H. Norris, and C. Friel. 1996. Digital Distribution Standard for NOAA Trajectory Analysis Information [PDF, 225.5 KB]. ERD (formerly HAZMAT) Report 96-4. Seattle: NOAA Emergency Response Division (formerly Hazardous Materials Response and Assessment Division). 43 pp.

Using new observational and predicted fields in GNOME:

Beegle-Krause, CJ, C. O’Connor, G. Watabayashi, I. Zelo, and C. Childs. NOAA Safe Seas Exercise 2006: new data streams, data communication and forecasting capabilities for spill forecasting. AMOP 2007 Proceedings, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, June 5-7, 2007. Ottawa, Ont.: Environment Canada. 2007.

NOAA's Office of Response & Restoration (OR&R) Emergency Response Division (ERD) (formerly Hazardous Materials Response Division [HAZMAT]) and U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters' Office of Search and Rescue, How to Make Your Model's Products Useful to NOAA HAZMAT and USCG Search and Rescue Operations [PDF, 6.0 MB]. 2006 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI, February 20-24, 2006. Poster.

Beegle-Krause, C.J. Advantages of Separating the Circulation Model and Trajectory Model: GNOME Trajectory Model Used with Outside Circulation Models. AMOP 2003 Proceedings, Victoria, B.C., Canada, June 10-12, 2003. Ottawa, Ont.: Environment Canada. 2003. Vol 2: pp. 825-840.

Beegle-Krause, C.J., J. Callahan, and C. O'Connor. NOAA Model Extended to Use Nowcast/Forecast Currents. IOSC 2003 Proceedings, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April 6-11, 2003. API Publication No. 14730.

Integration of GNOME with Clarkson Deepwater Oil and Gas (CDOG) Model:

Beegle-Krause, C.J. and W. Lynch. Combining Modeling with Response in Potential Deep Well Blowout: Lessons Learned from Thunder Horse [PDF, 150.2 KB]. IOSC 2005 Proceedings, Miami Beach, FL, May 15-19, 2005. Miami, FL: EIS Digital Publishing. 2005.

Yapa, P.D., F.H. Chen, and C.J. Beegle-Krause. Integration of the CDOG Deep Water Oil and Gas Blowout Model with the NOAA GNOME Trajectory Model. AMOP 2003 Proceedings, Victoria, B.C., Canada, June 10-12, 2003. Ottawa, Ont.: Environment Canada. 2003. Vol 2: pp. 935-951.

Lagrangian particle tracking technique for modeling oil spills:

Anon. 1996. State-of-the-art review of modeling transport and fate of oil spills. Task committee on modeling of oil spills of the water resources engineering division. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-ASCE. 122(11): 594-609, Nov. 1996.


Galt, J.A. 1998. Uncertainty Analysis Related to Oil Spill Modeling. Spill Science & Technology, 4(4):231-238.

Diffusion simulated as a random walk:

Csanady, G.T. 1973. Turbulent Diffusion in the Environment. Geophysics and Astrophysics Monographs, vol. 3. Dordrecht, Boston: D. Reidel Publishing Company. 248 p. illus.

CATS hydrodynamic model:

Galt, J.A. 1980. A finite-element solution procedure for the interpolation of current data in complex regions. Journal of Physical Oceanography 10:1984-1997.


GNOME Data Formats [PDF version, 653 KB; Word version, 880 KB]: This document describes the latest input/output data formats and provides the GNOME format documentation. Example data files are discussed in the documentation and are available below.

The example data files have been compressed as self-extracting files so that they can be downloaded more easily from the Internet. [Need help with compressed files?] Once you've unzipped the data files, look for the folder Data Files in Format Document. You can then open the files in a text editor or in GNOME.

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Last updated Friday, November 6, 2015 1:06pm PST