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ESI shoreline rank 1: Exposed rocky shores (also includes exposed seawalls)
ESI shoreline rank 2: Exposed Rocky Platforms (also includes clay scarps)
ESI shoreline rank 3: Fine-grained Sand Beaches (also includes scarps in sand)
ESI shoreline rank 4: Coarse-grained Sand Beaches
ESI shoreline rank 5: Mixed Sand and Gravel Beaches (also includes mixed sand and shell beaches)
ESI shoreline rank 6a: Gravel Beaches (also includes shell beaches)
ESI shoreline rank 6b: Riprap Structures
ESI shoreline rank 7: Exposed Tidal Flats
ESI shoreline rank 8a: Sheltered Rocky Shores
ESI shoreline rank 8b: Sheltered Man-made Structures
ESI shoreline rank 9: Sheltered Tidal Flats
ESI shoreline rank 10a: Salt to Brackish Marshes
ESI shoreline rank 10b: Freshwater Marshes
ESI shoreline rank 10c: Swamps
ESI shoreline rank 10d: Mangroves