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Response to Tropical Storm Harvey

Aug. 28, 2017 - As the Tropical Storm Harvey passes the affected areas of Texas and Louisiana, including the Houston/Galveston metropolitan areas, scientists from NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration are standing by, pre-deployed within the region to work on pollution response.

OR&R provides scientific support to the U.S. Coast Guard at coastal disasters. OR&R scientists address issues such as marine debris, as well as oil and chemical spills in the coastal environment.

NOAA plays a major role in hurricane response on the nation’s coasts. NOAA's National Weather Service is on the front line as the trusted, round-the-clock source of information about severe weather threats. Emergency managers and the public alike depend on them to provide accurate and timely storm predictions and forecasts.

Here are links for more information on Tropical Storm Harvey:

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA National Hurricane Center

Update: Coast Guard continues search and rescue operations – August 28

United States Coast Guard News – 8th District

What DHS and FEMA are Doing

What the U.S. Government is Doing

Flooded urban area near the Gulf of Mexico.
Coast Guard conducts a fly over of the Port Aransas area after a search and rescue mission, Saturday, August 26, 2016. The aircrews were launched to assist people in distress aboard the vessels Sabine Pass, Sandy Point, and Signet Enterprise. Coast Guard photo by Air Station Corpus Christi.
Last updated Tuesday, November 8, 2022 1:40pm PST