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OR&R Supports Philippine Coast Guard with Oil Spill Response Training

DEC. 9, 2024 — The NOAA Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) Emergency Response Division, in collaboration with NOAA’s International Marine Protected Area (MPA) Capacity Building Team and the Philippine Coast Guard, conducted an oil spill response training in Boracay, Philippines from November 7-15 and in Batangas, Philippines from November 16-24.

Individual presents in front of a room next to a projector screen that features information about the Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Technique.
NOAA Scientific Support Coordinator presents on Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Technique (SCAT), including the role of the SCAT team as “eyes in the field” of the Command Post. SCAT teams conduct shoreline cleanup assessment surveys; determine the need for cleanup; identify sensitive ecological, recreational, or cultural resources that may require special protection; recommend shoreline cleanup methods; and monitor the cleanup techniques employed. Image credit: NOAA.

Over 100 participants from the Philippine Department of Natural Resources – Biodiversity Management Bureau who work at MPAs in several Philippine regions attended the training. Ten Philippine Coast Guard officers also attended, both as trainees and instructors-in-training. The training included a train-the-trainer component whereby mentors learn in such a way that they are able to train others on the topics covered.

The training focused on conducting oiled shoreline assessment surveys, developing and using Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) maps and data, and other environmental spill response topics. Response considerations emphasized sensitive natural resources in the region, including mangroves, coral reefs, and seagrass beds. Subjects covered included NOAA models and tools, field guides, and other response resources. The participatory hands-on workshop included exercises and a field trip related to the scientific lecture topics.

These trainings concluded a total of three courses conducted in different regions of the Philippines.

The USAID-NOAA Mission Partnership, an element of which focuses on coastal management supporting the National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS) MPA Capacity Building Program, sponsored the training. The NIPAS Act of 1992 is a Philippine law that establishes and manages protected areas. The Act’s goals are to maintain biodiversity, ensure sustainable resource use, and create individual plans for each protected area.

Last updated Thursday, December 19, 2024 10:42am PST