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OR&R Speaker Series: Indo-Pacific Lionfish

AUGUST 31, 2020 — It is not a shark, it is not the Loch Ness Monster, it is not even a jellyfish, it is the Indo-Pacific Lionfish! An incredibly invasive species wreaking havoc on the Atlantic reef fisher community.

Lecture poster

Although they look strikingly beautiful with their zebra like coloring and massive sprawling fins, the lionfish is actually one of the most poisonous fish species in the ocean. With a number of spiky fins along their backs standing about a foot long the sting can be quite painful! While in most pacific locations this special fish has natural predators and falls inline on the hierarchal fish food chain here in the warm waters of the tropical Atlantic ocean most of its natural predators have no idea what to think of this spinney creature, leaving it to run rampant without fear through the coral community. Dr. Mark Albins joins the You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know series with a PhD dissertation focused on measuring the effects this invasive Indo-Pacific Lionfish is having on the native Atlantic Reef Fishes. 

Next Thursday, September 3, we will be having Dr. David Wiley leading us through a discussion the different technologies used to investigate the behavior of humpback whales.

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Last updated Tuesday, November 8, 2022 1:45pm PST