OR&R Lecture Series: Raising Awareness of Marine Debris
JULY 27, 2020 — Those of a particular age remember the 1971 iconic television commercial of a tear rolling down the weathered cheek of a Native American as he looks at litter on the land.
The ad launched a successful national effort to remove trash and curb pollution. Today his eyes are on the oceans and the tear is back. Fortunately, organizations such as NOAA OR&R’s Marine Debris Program are answering the call.
On Thursday, Dr. Caitlin Wessel and Amy Gohres presented problems and solutions to over 250 participants in the NOAA lecture series, YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW. They skillfully directed their presentation to the typical audience of the program, coastal response specialists. Raising awareness of marine debris and providing ways to help moves us toward our shared goal of cleaner waters.
Learn more about the lecture series and view the list of upcoming lectures.
For further information, contact Steve.Lehmann@noaa.gov.