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ESI Species List

Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) maps provide a concise summary of coastal resources that are at risk if an oil spill occurs nearby. Many of the resources are biological—including birds, mammals, and plants.

Below you'll find the complete ESI Species List in an Excel (.xlsx) format. This list was updated in August 2024.

Note: The ESI Species List includes all of the species that have ever been mapped on any ESI map. That a species appears in this list is not a guarantee that it was mapped on a given ESI map, even if the species was present in that particular ESI atlas region.

On the front of ESI maps, locations of biological resources are shown with color-coded symbols for localized locations (such as nesting sites) and similarly color-coded polygons for larger areas. On the back of ESI maps and on the GIS data tables, there is detailed information about the species seasonality, concentrations, and breeding activities.

More Information about ESI Maps

Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Maps: Read an overview of ESI maps.

Anatomy of ESI Maps: Learn about the basic elements of ESI maps, including the types of information that are mapped.

Biological Resources: Learn how ESI maps categorize and display oil-sensitive animals and their habitats, and habitats that are themselves sensitive to spilled oil (such as coral reefs).

ESI Toolkit: Browse a collection of resources for ESI users.

Questions: Contact us with any questions about the ESI Species List.

Go back to the ESI Guidelines page.

Last updated Tuesday, September 24, 2024 10:40pm PDT