October 28, 2024

OR&R Hosts International Spill Response Nonprofit for Intellectual Exchange
OR&R shared spill response knowledge and resources in a highly productive intellectual exchange with two spill scientists from London-based ITOPF (formerly the International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Limited). ITOPF is a nonprofit organization established on behalf of ship owners worldwide to promote effective response to oil, chemical, and other hazardous substance spills in the marine environment. During the meeting, each organization shared updates on response and technology topics. ITOPF also demonstrated its virtual reality and mixed reality training tools. Scientists from OR&R presented on such topics as NOAA’s suite of oil and chemical spill response tools; OR&R-funded research conducted with the Coastal Response Research Center; case study discussions and more. Each organization also addressed how they managed the important issue of responder safety. Discussions afforded valuable information-sharing related to spill countermeasures, areas of research and methods development, modeling, and international scientific assistance and cooperation.