October 10, 2023

Sharing the Science of Oil Spill Response with Science Teachers
OR&R Regional Operations Supervisor Doug Helton conducted an evening seminar for the National Science Teaching Association, titled “Science Update: The Science of Oil Spill Response and Cleanup.” With approximately 40,000 members, the association is a professional organization for science educators to share new and engaging information and best practices in teaching science, technology, engineering, and math. NOAA is a frequent contributor to the program, and past presentations have included topics such as ocean acidification, climate, corals, tides and currents, and weather. Helton presented about the history and role of NOAA’s science support coordinators and OR&R’s Emergency Response Division, including improvements in prevention, NOAA’s response to recent incidents, research on the detection and surveillance of spills at sea, and the effects on natural resources. Staff from the National Ocean Service Communications and Education Division supported the seminar and shared NOAA educational resources. The seminar was geared towards educators of middle school and high school students, and the participants received continuing education credits for attending the workshop. Approximately 200 teachers from across the country joined the event. A recording of the seminar is available on the NSTA website and can serve as a resource for educators on the topic of oil and chemical spill response.

Science of Oil Spills Class Hosted in New England
Forty-five oil spill responders from New England to Hawaii attended a five-day Science of Oil Spills training class in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Staff from all sectors of the U.S. Coast Guard District 1, as well as regional and state environmental protection agencies, the U.S. Navy, and private industry attended the training that took place at the NOAA Fisheries Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office. Presentations conducted during the training included all aspects of oil spill response, from trajectory modeling to shoreline assessment and best management practices for recovery. Special guest speakers included representatives from Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries and NOAA Fisheries Protected Resources Division. Trainees had the opportunity to practice classroom lessons in the field while competing in a scavenger hunt around Cape Ann. Science of Oil Spill classes are in high demand in the oil spill response community. OR&R trained 130 Science of Oil Spill class participants throughout fiscal year 2023, and more than 2,200 participants in other class offerings. Three Science of Oil Spill classes are planned in 2024 in Washington, Alabama, and the Great Lakes region.

Offshore Wind Spill Exercise Held for Northeast Region
The NOAA Scientific Support Coordinator for the Northeast accompanied representatives from the U.S. Coast Guard Sector Southeastern New England to a tabletop exercise hosted by Vineyard Wind in New Bedford, Massachusetts. A representative from the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement oversaw the drill that was facilitated by representatives from the National Response Corporation. The exercise, which involved a release of 20,000 gallons of dielectric fluid, was designed to provide the Vineyard Wind incident management team with the chance to walk through a hypothetical spill scenario. The Scientific Support Coordinator and the Coast Guard also had the unique opportunity to host its first exercise pertaining to the offshore wind industry, which is rapidly developing in New England. The exercise identified lessons learned, including challenges with identifying and tracking dielectric fluid and understanding the environmental fate of dielectric fluid.