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ESI Training Exercise

This ESI training module describes how Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) maps and data can be used by spill responders and planners, and by anyone interested in environmental sensitivity mapping. The manual provides an oil spill scenario that takes place in Mobile Bay, Ala. Your task is to identify the probable resources at risk.

ESI data are distributed in multiple formats. The manual shows how to use:

  • hard copy or PDF versions of the data.
  • the free ESI Viewer product.
  • the map document and tools available to simplify ESI viewing and querying in Esri's ArcMap vs. 9.2 or higher.

The same scenario is used for all of these formats, and the same basic questions are answered; however, a scenario with queries could be done on any of the ESI maps provided in these formats. Note: If you have a fast Internet connection, you may want to download the components all at once. Alternatively, you can download each component independently. The files are downloaded in compressed format as self-extracting zip files. [Need help with compressed files?]

Download the Complete ESI Training Module

This option will download a single compressed file that will contain the Training Manual and all the files you'll need to work through it.

Download the Training Components Individually

This option will download compressed files for each of the components. Once the files are unzipped, place the directories on your hard drive in a folder called "ESI_Training".

Note: Do not include spaces in the directory name of any of the training components. ArcMap will not work with path names that have embedded spaces.

  • ESI Training Manual [PDF, 4.7 MB]
  • ESI Viewer [Zip, 45.5 MB]: Installers (for Windows and Mac platforms) of the Alabama ESI data, and free software for viewing and querying the data.
  • Alabama ESI Atlas: Geodatabase [Zip, 47.9 MB]: Alabama ESI in Esri's geodatabase format and an ArcMap document with pre-set database links and symbolization.
  • Alabama ESI Atlas: PDFs [Zip, 37.9 MB]: The entire Alabama ESI atlas in Portable Document Format.
  • GNOME Files [Zip, 158.9 KB]: GNOME.dll (a tool to import trajectories generated by GNOME Analyst) and a directory called "scenario," which contains the GNOME export files for the Mobile Bay scenario.
  • ESI Toolbar [Zip, 1.3 MB]: Five DLL files for use with the ESI data from within ArcMap, and supporting documentation.  

Questions: Contact us with questions, comments, or suggestions about ESI training materials.  

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Last updated Tuesday, June 11, 2019 1:49pm PDT