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NOAA Highlights Marine Debris Interception Infrastructure and Collaboration at Center for Watershed Protection

JAN. 30, 2023 — On Jan. 25, 2023, the NOAA Marine Debris Program California regional coordinator presented at the Center for Watershed Protection 2023 Watershed and Stormwater Webcast Series.

Trash on a beach.
Trash interception at the United States of America and Mexico border in the Tijuana NERR. Image credit: NOAA.

Over 110 attendees joined the webinar featuring the Marine Debris Program alongside a panelist from the Public Work Department, City of Bellingham, Washington. The regional coordinator presented on the NOAA Marine Debris Program, the program's six strategic work pillars, examples from land-based partnerships across the country, and areas for collaboration between stormwater practitioners and the program. 

The Center for Watershed Protection works to advance clean water resources and healthy ecosystems through responsible land and water management. Their experienced staff of scientists, planners, and environmental professionals are the technical experts who help municipalities, advocates, policymakers, and individuals get clean water projects in the ground. This organization is a national leader on stormwater management and watershed planning. The web series focused on overarching stormwater issues of microplastic and tireware particles. Participants identified opportunities for coordination and discussed current and emerging marine debris topics.

Last updated Wednesday, April 5, 2023 3:10pm PDT