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OR&R Visits Joint Coastal Response Research Center and Visiting University of Puerto Rico Students

JULY 11, 2022 — OR&R Director Scott Lundgren visited the joint OR&R and University of New Hampshire Coastal Response Research Center on June 23, 2022. This visit provided the opportunity to hear from the center’s staff, student researchers, and visiting University of Puerto Rico students working on OR&R-related CRRC projects and other related environmental projects at the university for two months during the summer. 

A group photo.

Scott and the team discussed various research projects and had a chance to witness several demonstrations. CRRC’s MacFarlane Flume was in action and provided the backdrop for learning more about coming work in the flume to measure current velocities that will strip oil from under-ice pockets, as well as work with ice, temperature gradients, and influence on remote sensing technologies taking place in static tanks. Scott also participated in an afternoon discussion of interests and careers with the students.

2022 is the second year that CRRC has hosted students from the University of Puerto Rico to work on OR&R-related projects at CRRC or work funded by other University researchers while they remain a part of the visiting student cohort. This initiative provides more of a research focus than the complementary internship effort focusing on work directly with OR&R staff that the office has conducted with University of Maryland Eastern Shore. Both efforts increase the number of students with familiarity with the NOAA and OR&R mission, with a particular focus on underrepresented communities.

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Last updated Friday, May 10, 2024 12:01pm PDT