Great Lakes Harmful Algal Bloom Workshop in Preparation for 2023
JULY 12, 2021 ─ The week of July 6, LT Rachel Pryor began planning for the Great Lakes Harmful Algal Bloom (HABs) workshop to be held in January 2023. LT Pryor is capitalizing on the momentum built from a successful HABs workshop based in the Gulf of Mexico that occurred this past April.
Harmful algal blooms are a hot topic in the Great Lakes as they affect recreational beaches and drinking water for coastal communities. While the Great Lakes host a number of HABs related seminars, there has not been a workshop with a preparedness/response focus. Thus far, LT Pryor is collaborating with NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS), Ohio Sea Grant, and the Disaster Preparedness Program and will be expanding the invitation to other Great Lakes stakeholders.
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