Two New Reports on Freshwater Mussels in Upper Hudson River, New York

Nov. 13, 2020 — The Hudson River Natural Resource Trustees released two data reports presenting findings on freshwater mussels in the Upper Hudson River in support of the Hudson River Natural Resource Damage Assessment. One report features the findings of a population assessment, while the other reports results for age determination.
Remedial dredging, backfilling and capping in the upper Hudson River from 2009-2015, harmed freshwater mussels.The Trustees quantitatively surveyed multiple pools with the goal of investigating the effects of the dredging remedy on freshwater mussels. The survey report provides compelling evidence that the density and ecosystem services of freshwater mussels are substantially lower in remediated areas of the Upper Hudson relative to before-remediation and non-remediation areas.
The results of these studies will be used to determine and quantify injury to freshwater mussels as a consequence of the dredging remedy and to identify necessary restoration actions.
These Reports and Their Associated Fact Sheets are Available Online.