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FOSC's Guide to NOAA Scientific Support

This guidebook was written for oil and chemical spill responders and Federal On-Scene Coordinators (FOSCs) and provides a quick reference to the range of scientific support services available from NOAA OR&R through its Emergency Response Division (ERD).

The revised edition of this guidebook (version 3, June 2015) is available as portable document format (PDF) files, in the following formats:

Cover page of the FOSC Guidebook.

Click here for an electronic version [PDF, 3.9 MB] of "An FOSC's Guide to NOAA Scientific Support."
  • An electronic version [PDF, 3.9 MB], with links to other files, websites, and e-mail addresses. These links, mostly contained in the appendices, take the user directly to those references (Internet connection required). The purpose of their inclusion is to provide a single, instant reference to the many products and services OR&R's Emergency Response Division provides. To access the links more easily, you may want to download the PDF to your hard drive (right-click the link, then choose "Save Target As" or "Save Link As" from the pop-up menu).

    This version can also be printed on 8.5" x 11" paper. It is the best format for those who need an accessible version.
  • A "booklet" version [PDF, 3.7 MB] that you can print double-sided, then fold and staple to create a 5.5" x 8.5" booklet.

Obtaining NOAA Scientific Support

NOAA scientific support should be requested by an FOSC by contacting the NOAA Scientific Support Coordinator (SSC) assigned to their Coast Guard District. Appendix 1 of the guidebook provides contact information for ERD SSCs; however, the most up-to-date contact information can be found on the OR&R Field Staff page.

More Information about NOAA Scientific Support

Emergency Response Division: OR&R's Emergency Response Division supports emergency response and restoration activities for oil and hazardous chemical spills, provides preparedness aids for response communities, and offers training on the scientific aspects of oil and chemical spill response.

Job Aids for Spill Response: Information and ordering instructions for NOAA OR&R's spill response Job Aids.

Training for Emergency Responders and Planners: Workshops and self-study resources offered by NOAA OR&R to assist spill response professionals in local, state, and federal governments and industry.

Coast Guard ICS Forms: The U.S. Coast Guard website offers all-risk/all-hazard ICS forms as PDF files.

Last updated Wednesday, March 5, 2025 8:56am PST