Hurricane Laura: OR&R’s Disaster Preparedness Program Serves as Incident Coordinator for the National Ocean Service
The National Ocean Service provides data, tools, and services that support coastal economies and their contribution to the national economy. NOS is dedicated to advancing the following priorities: safe and efficient transportation and commerce; preparedness and risk reduction; as well as stewardship, recreation, and tourism. OR&R’s Disaster Preparedness Program (DPP) supported National Ocean Service preparedness and response operations for Hurricane Laura for 11 days. As the incident coordinators for NOAA’s National Ocean Service, DPP staff are responsible for coordinating across National Ocean Service program offices when multiple offices are impacted by an event. The DPP gathered information on National Ocean Service mission readiness, logistical needs, and impacts to personnel and infrastructure before, during and after Hurricane Laura.
During and after the storm, DPP coordinated information on the tracking and safety of all National Ocean Service personnel in Hurricane Laura’s area of impact, as well as the closure, impacts, and reopening of numerous sanctuaries, estuarine research reserves, facilities, and laboratories. The DPP also coordinated the operational mission support provided by multiple National Ocean Service program offices, ensured all safety protocols were being implemented, and provided use of NOAA’s Gulf of Mexico Disaster Response Center for mission critical activities.
Effective coordination ensures the National Ocean Service is in the best possible response posture to conduct our missions so commerce, communities, and natural resources can recover as quickly as possible.