Predicting Sediment Toxicity
This report from 2005, Predicting Toxicity to Amphipods from Sediment Chemistry, describes the development of 37 individual chemical logistic regression models that quantify relationships between the concentrations of sediment-associated contaminants and toxicity in two species of marine amphipods. The results of these individual models are then combined into a single explanatory variable for estimating the proportion of toxic samples expected in field-collected sediment samples.
In addition, the report illustrates the applications of the individual logistic models for evaluating sediment quality guidelines and the use of the multiple-chemical models to predict toxicity for other locations and endpoints. The report is intended for risk assessors, field biologists, and research scientists interested in the development and application of methods for evaluating the ecological risks associated with chemicals in sediments.
Predicting Sediment Toxicity Full Report [PDF, 4.6 MB]
Sediment Toxicity Database (SEDTOX) Saltwater [Zip, 2.3 MB]
Sediment Toxicity Database (SEDTOX) Freshwater [Zip, 666.9 K]
Sediment Toxicity Database (SEDTOX) Dictionary Files [Zip, 45.0 K]