Training and Resources
Training for likely or even worst-case scenarios is the best way to prepare for disasters.
We provide training for NOAA field responders, federal partners, and state and local emergency managers. Explore our trainings below. Questions? Contact the training specialist.
Instructor-Led Trainings: Our scientific experts travel across America to give decision-makers the tools they need to prepare for disasters.
- Science of Oil Spills (SOS)
- Build your knowledge of spill and chemical accident response on your own, using our job aids and publications.
- Science of Chemical Releases (SOCR)
- Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Techniques (SCAT)
- NOAA-Specific Incident Command System (ICS 300)
- Resource Advisor
- Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA) 101
Workshops: We equip communities across America with the skills to tackle new and emerging challenges in their region.
- NOAA Regional Preparedness and Training workshop (NRPT). No two disasters are the same. NRPT workshops are tailored to identifying and resolving the challenges facing different regions throughout the country and U.S. territories. These workshops are delivered in partnership with the University of New Hampshire’s Coastal Response Research Center.
- Exercises - OR&R works with partners to design and deliver:
- Tabletop, discussion-based, workshop, and full-scale exercises.
Other ways the Disaster Preparedness Program helps OR&R and NOS stay prepared:
- Incident Coordination and Communication
- Ensuring Continuity in Preparation and Response Operations
- Monitoring and Evaluation
For more information on upcoming trainings, please contact
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