A Massive Watershed Fix for the Delaware River

UPDATED NOV. 12, 2014, POSTED MARCH 12, 2012 — In addition to the cleanup of the 2004 Athos I oil spill, 10 restoration projects that will improve the environment and economy around the Delaware River watershed are in various stages of design, implementation, and monitoring.
- Shoreline Restoration, Lardner's Point (PA) Ecological Benefits: Restored habitat for fish, birds, and mammals Economic Benefits: Wildlife viewing; fishing; open space
- Dam Removals and Stream Habitat Restoration, Darby Creek (PA) Ecological Benefits: Fish and wildlife habitat improvements Economic Benefits: Fishing; outdoor education; flood protection; boost to local economy during construction
- Freshwater Tidal Wetland Restoration, John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge (PA) Ecological Benefits: Restored tidal exchange; enhanced wildlife habitat Economic Benefits: Recreational boating; education; wildlife viewing
- Trail Improvements, Little Tinicum Island (PA) Ecological Benefits: Preserving area from erosion Economic Benefits: Wildlife viewing; fishing; hiking; outdoor education
- Marsh, Meadow, and Grassland Restoration, Mad Horse Creek Wildlife Management Area (NJ) Ecological Benefits: Feeding, roosting and nesting habitat for birds Economic Benefits: Wildlife viewing; hunting; boost to local economy during construction
- Boat Ramp Restoration, Stow Creek (NJ) Economic Benefits: Safer conditions for boaters; hunting; fishing
- Blackbird Reserve Wildlife Area (DE) Ecological benefits: Resting and foraging areas for migratory geese Economic benefits: Hunting; wildlife viewing; preservation of open space
- Oyster Reef Creation (DE, NJ) Ecological Benefits: Habitat for oysters and other reef dwellers; improved water quality Economic Benefit: Boost to local economy during reef-building
- Rock Jetty Restoration, Augustine (DE) After further extensive evaluation of changing site conditions, the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife has determined that this project is no longer feasible and the process to select a new project is underway.
For more information on restoration, as well as response activities, along the Delaware River in the wake of the Athos I oil spill, read the first part of this series, Solid Returns: Response and Restoration Efforts Create Big Economic Benefits to Coastal Communities and check out response.restoration.noaa.gov/athos and the Athos Natural Resource Damage Assessment case page.