OR&R Scientist Takes Fourth Graders on an Exploration of Salmon, Dams, Orcas, and Pollution
JUNE 3, 2019 — The next generation of environmental scientists learned about current aquatic issues in the news with the help of Troy Baker, an environmental scientist in OR&R's Assessment and Restoration Division.
After talking about how fish and mammals have different life cycles and respond to human disturbance in different ways, students played several games from their desks to mimic salmon migrations from spawning areas in rivers to the ocean, and back again. At the end of the class, students were able to specify multiple causes of mortality to salmon during their migration and better understand the connection between salmon and the few remaining southern resident killer whales along the Pacific Coast. A spirited Q&A session occurred at the end after a challenge of trying to stump the visiting scientist.
For more information, contact Troy.Baker@noaa.gov.