OR&R Active in Alaska Marine Science Symposium
A contingent of OR&R staff and scientists joined 800 attendees at the 2015 Alaska Marine Science Symposium in Anchorage, January 19-22, 2015.
Keynote speakers addressed recovery of terrestrial and marine ecosystem following a major Aleutian island volcanic explosion and recent research on ocean acidification. A keynote panel addressed Arctic research and development coordination, including details of NOAA Arctic research activities. The symposium featured over 75 platform papers and several hundred posters including two by OR&R staff.
The symposium was organized according to Alaska's three seas, with one day each devoted to the Gulf of Alaska, the Bering Sea and the Arctic seas. There were two evening poster sessions attended by hundreds of people, and an Alaska Marine science film festival featuring new education films about marine education and research activities. Topics of particular interest included circulation and transport in all three regions, new ecological information about resources at risk and their trends associated with climate variability, long-term declines in sea birds and other living resources, and new important information about increasing Bering Sea-Aleutian vessel traffic, vessel tracking systems and future casualty risks in the Aleutian region.
The symposium gave OR&R the opportunity to meet with other Arctic researchers, and work out details for FY 15 cruises and oil experiments.
For more information contact Gary.Shigenaka@noaa.gov or Alan.Mearns@noaa.gov.
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